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Sol Invictus

the winter solstice is the shortest day of the year. starting the following day the sun shines a little bit longer every day until the summer solstice. this is known as the rebirth of the ‘invincible sun’ (sol invictus). at 9% ABV, this belgian dark strong ale will surely keep you warm as you await […]

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Wassail! Wassale! Christmas Ale

the story of wassail: Legend has it that in the fifth century, while seducing the Briton warlord Vortigen, the Saxon temptress Rowena raised her glass and toasted “Ves heill, Hlaford Cyning” or Good Health, Lord King. Rowena was successful, and the Saxons got their kingdom. For centuries after, the Anglo-Saxons raised their drinking cups and […]


what’s brewing

hey party peoples! mad elf fest IV is almost upon us! in addition to the delicious nectar of the gods known as Troegs Mad Elf ale, various liquors, and some kegged alcoholic water, we will be offering up some of our home-brewed christmas ales for your enjoyment (donations accepted). we will have several beers available. […]

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